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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 8

It's Day 8, and I hope that you are excited. I hope that you are feeling strong or stronger. 
By now you should know to start the day with ACV, Prayer and Thanksgiving.
Exercise is a must to increase weight loss, reshape the body and activate the brain cells.
Today is a great day to do some resistance training.

Let's get to it.
1. 2. Poached eggs
2. 1 servings of  green vegs
3.1 banana
4. Tea or coffee

1. Banana and pear smoothie sweetened with stevia/honey
2. Baked Chicken  and baked yam
3. Garden salad
4.Cool glass of water
5. Handful of raw almonds/pecans/walnuts

Eat your favorite home cooked meal but you are only allowed
1. serving of protein/ 1 carbohydrate/2 fruits and vegs
Have a piece of dark chocolate
Drink a glass or water and some ACV 2 tablespoons.

Night snack
Nuts and water/ herbal tea.


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