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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Where Love is

Where love is - there is an abundance of peace
Where love is - there is no unease.
Where love is - The Lord God is present
Where love is - hatred is absent.
Where love is - fear does not reside
Where love is - there is no pride.
Where love is - hearts are united
Where love is - all are delighted.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love lasts!

When I say love lasts, I do not mean that you should love last but that love lasts. Love does not fade. If anything, love intensities every day. I know that because I love my parents, children, friends and husband more now than the first time I said," I love you." Though my parents are no longer on this earth, yet the love I have for them still exits. It has not disappeared because they died. That's why I can say that love lasts.

If you find that you wake it and feel like you are no longer it love, it simply means that love was not in it. If it was, it would be still there because love cannot die.  Love is constant, alive, faithful and tangible. The discovery of love is a quest that all should seek, but one must know it location before the search begins.

I have found love. I found it through my relationship with Jesus Christ.

Make love right.

Love is an intricate emotion, and is also one of the most misunderstood emotions. Just saying, "I love you" does not mean that love is. Love has character. Love is only when love does what love is suppose to do. The Apostle Paul wrote in the Corinthians that love is the greatest. He also said that love is patient, kind, humble, unselfish, enduring and more. (You can read 1 Corinthians Chapter 13)  I wish that all would stop using the word love so callously because love is greater than you or me. So before you say, I love you, be sure that you love is the emotion you are harboring.

Love and Sex

I have often wondered, why coitus or sexual intercourse is referred to as love making. In my younger years, I also referred to it as such, until I became enlightened and came to the knowledge that the two are as different as night and day. The sex act or sexual intercourse oftentimes is performed in the absence of love. ("Been there and done that.")  If you doubt me, think about the many times you or someone you know, engaged in sexual activity and love was nowhere in sight. You could not even find it even if you used a electron microscope.

I have been alive for for while, and the longer I live the more I am convinced that love, the kind of love that is pure, healing, and nurturing comes from an intimate relationship with God. This love never dies. It is tangible. It is not heightened or diminished by sex. It is this  Love that extends from the God of the universe into our hearts, and then seeps out of our  and touches all we know and all we do.

So every time you use the word love, or say that you are are have made love; analyze that love. Make sure that it is in fact, love in it's purest form. There is noting worst than receiving a dilution of something that you need the full strength of.

Don't settle for less than the love God created for you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Love always.

As difficult as it might seem, I want to encourage you to love always. Love always because God is love, and God is within you. By loving, you exude the essence of God, for God is love. Therefore, if you are God's then you are also love. So, allow the love of God that resides within you to flow out of your heart unto all that you encounter. Do all in love, with love, for love and because of love.

I recall a time in my life when hate was present in my heart. I felt sick most of the time. Then it dawned on me that I was harboring a negative emotion within the chambers of  my heart, a place that was created by love for love. Eventually, I prayed and Jesus rooted up that disease and then loved flowed throughout my heart. Since  that day, until now I can safely say that love inhabits my heart. Let it inhabit yours also, so that you can love always.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

                                         Free to love.

As we celebrate Independence Day, I think of love. Love cannot be shackled. Love is free. It is big. It is also timeless. Love unlike us, never dies. It transcends heights, depths,  and breaths. Love feels good and it is good. So go ahead and love. Let love do what it was created to do and that is bring you joy. Love because love is free and you are free to love.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Love is all around.....

Make no mistake... love is all around us. Love can be seen everywhere and in everything. Everyday, I am a recipient as well as a giver of love. Love makes me feel good and I love feeling good. So I extend love to all that I meet. The fact that love has many facets, means that I am not limited to loving just my family or friends. I can love  everyone because God has place a lot  of love within my heart.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Love lasts!

          When I say love lasts, I do not mean that you love last, but rather that love lasts. Love is eternal! Real love does not fade or die. If anything, love intensities every day. I know that because I love my parents, children, friends, and husband more now than the first time I said 'I love you.' My parents died years ago, yet the love I have for them still exits, and is substantially great now than then. That's one of the reason's why I can say that love lasts.
          I am happy that love lasts because there is really nothing else in life does. Everything else dies, shrinks or is temporary. Love is the one constant you can rest on. That't why you can trust the Lord, because he is love. Love created love. There is killing love.

Monday, February 13, 2012

What's love got to do with it?

I recall singing the song, "What's love got to do with it," on numerous occasions. They were times I taught that love was not necessary when doing many things, but I soon found out that without love the things that I did didn't matter to me.  Don't believe the hype, love is essential as water if you desire to enjoy your live. Doing anything without love is a waste of time, talent and energy. So, as Valentine's Day appears, love. Love more and love always!!!!