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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day One:- 40 days to the Refreshing

I have learned that it is impossible to change my outside without the help of my inside.  So I start with my spirit first and being a 'chrisitian' invite Jesus into the process of my refreshing.

Day One 1.Pray and Fast

You will need divine help to accomplish this task.

1.Drink 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
a. Apple Cider vinegar had 40 different vits and nutrient.
b. It allows the body to start healing itself.

2. Read and meditate Psalms 23 and Romans Chapter 12 empowers me.

3. Pray every time the temptation to eat occurs.

Do drink warm water through the day if you must.
I suggest that you start your fast on  the weekend if you work and are not use to fasting.
Do not focus on losing weight. Focus on the refreshing!
Focus on building the spirit within and cleaning your temple.

                                                                  My Fav ACV

**Please contact your physician before starting any plan to modify or change dietary habits!!!!

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