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Friday, January 25, 2013

Day Four

You are blessed......."Avoid Fried Foods."

"It's Day Four and if you have fasted then you are in the Restoration Phase. Only use those foods that will nourish the body. 
or the next 3 days this is your meal plan but first:- Isaiah 43:19

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

Start every day with a cup of warm water plus 15ml of ACV straight up if you can/ mix 1/2tsp of Honey

1.Hot cup of tea/coffee sweetened with Honey/ Stevia or 1tsp of brown sugar
2. 1 cup of oat meal
3. 1 boiled/poached egg
4. 1 fresh fruit
5. 1/2 cup of stemmed green vegs.

1.A cup of chicken veg soup with 4 crackers
2.A fruit salad
3.A handful of raw nuts
4.A cup of herbal tea

1. ACV
2. Repeat Lunch but have a green salad.
3. Have 2 fresh fruits.

Raw or roasted nuts/ dried fruits/popcorn/ tossed salad
Drink 6-8 cups of fluid/water per day. 
Avoid soda or highly sweetened fruit juices.
Dilute juices with 1/2 juice and 1/2 water.

**From tomorrow you can start in cooperating exercise into your day.**
**Try to use fresh products when ever possible.**

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