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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 10 'The Refreshing'

Now that Day 10 of 'The Refreshing' is here, is a great day to do something different.
You DO NOT need to eat meats every day,so here it is.

                                      Blender Day

Breakfast:- Oat Bran Shake

In a blender mix

1. 1/4 cup of oatmeal
2. 2 tablespoons of flax seed
3. 2 cups of almond/rice/soya milk
4. 1/4 cup of dried fruit (raisins, cranberries or cherries)
5. Honey/Stevia to taste
6. Splash of vanilla essence +1 pinch of cinnamon + 1 pinch of nutmeg

***Mix well and drink. You can warm if desired*

Lunch - Fruit smoothie 

1. 1 cup of watermelon
2. 1 cup of cantaloupe
3. 1 cup of plain yogurt
4. 4 medium strawberries
5. 1/2 cup of blueberries/blackberries
6. 1/2 banana
****Dash of fresh lemon**

Use 1/2 and then other 1/2 later

Dinner:- In 16 ozs of water mix and blend 

1. 1 scoop of protein shake
2. 1 tablespoon of flax seed
3. 1 tablespoon of peanuts/walnuts/pecans
4. 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut
5. 1 tablespoon of honey/ pinch of stevia to taste

** You can mix it up to your liking**
Remember to drink your ACV 2-3 x /day
Drink your liquids
***Consult your doctor if you have health issues.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 9 of 'The Refreshing'

It's Day 9 of the Refreshing and I hope that you are getting the hang of things. By now I hope that you have learned these keys to eating healthy.
You need to :-
1. Eat more green leafy vegetables
2. Eat lean meats and nuts
3. Eat Fresh Fruits
4. Comsume complex carbohydrates
5. Uses ACV daily
6.  Drink up to 8 glasses of fluid mainly water
7. Eliminate or decrease soda from your diet.
9. Only eat 1 serving size or handful per meal
10.Avoid unhealthy and processed foods.

For Breakfast
1. 1 serving of protein
2. 1 serving of oat bran with dried fruits
3. 1 Fruit
4. Cup of herbal tea/coffee
5. ACV and warm water

1. 1 chicken or tuna sandwich on wheat bread/torilla
2. Garden salad
3. 1 fruit smoothie with stevia for taste
4. Glass of cool water

1. A good home-cooked meal with smart portions
2. ACV
3. 1/2 and 1/2  J&W
4. Steamed green vegs

Snack:- Fresh popped popcorn or nuts
             Herbal tea

It is up to you!

It is not easy to change bad habits but bad habits can be changed.
You are in charge of your body, and what goes in it is up to you.
As a person I want to encourage you to stand up for your health.
It is all up to you.
You do not have to be depressed, broken, obese or sickly.
Get up and start making steps to change your situation for the better.
It is all up to you!

Philippians 4: 13 says, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

I believe this. Do You???

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Making The Refreshing easier!

Here is what I do to make my life easier:

1. Boil 5 eggs, and refrigerate to use if pressed time
2. Buy packs of mixed frozen vegs
3. Buy 1 lb of raw almonds, pecans, peanuts, hazelnuts and walnuts
4. Buy in season fresh fruits and vegs
5. Keep ACV
6. Buy lentils, legumes and peas in abundance

1. ACV 2-3 tbsp xper daily
2. If out of ACV use lime or lemon juice
3.Drink 1 liter of water
4.Fruit smoothies daily
5. Drink herbal teas
6. Have a green drink 2-3x weekly

1.Be aware of serving sizes
2.Nothing greater than a handful if you want to lose weight
3. Reduce carbohydrates and increase vegetables
4. Processed foods aren't natural foods, watch the calories and sodium
5. * I use milk infrequently the choice is yours.*
6. Unused calories increase your weight gain.
7. Limit bread and pasta intake
8. Exercise

Day 8

It's Day 8, and I hope that you are excited. I hope that you are feeling strong or stronger. 
By now you should know to start the day with ACV, Prayer and Thanksgiving.
Exercise is a must to increase weight loss, reshape the body and activate the brain cells.
Today is a great day to do some resistance training.

Let's get to it.
1. 2. Poached eggs
2. 1 servings of  green vegs
3.1 banana
4. Tea or coffee

1. Banana and pear smoothie sweetened with stevia/honey
2. Baked Chicken  and baked yam
3. Garden salad
4.Cool glass of water
5. Handful of raw almonds/pecans/walnuts

Eat your favorite home cooked meal but you are only allowed
1. serving of protein/ 1 carbohydrate/2 fruits and vegs
Have a piece of dark chocolate
Drink a glass or water and some ACV 2 tablespoons.

Night snack
Nuts and water/ herbal tea.


The Journey on Day 16

I am on day 16 of my refreshing... I have 34 more days to go and I am excited. My goals are to:-
1. Strengthen my relationship with God
2. Refresh my spirit
3. Reshape my body
4. Regroup my thoughts and aspirations
and I must say that so far so good.

Everything in life that is necessary requires a sacrifice. I believe in the old adage, "No pain, no gain," and I must admit that I am gaining much, so this is why I am sharing this journey with you as the Holy Spirit leads. Please know that this journey is Spirit lead, so I know that there is victory at the end. Hope you will join me.

Later today I will add Day 8 of the Refreshing. Look for it!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day Seven (7) of

By now your gut should be feeling much better. It is time for a good meal.
Always start with ACV, prayer, praise and remember to fit exercise into your day.

1. 2 eggs/ boiled or scrambled
2. 2 strips of thin bacon
3. 1 cup of oatmeal sweetened with stevia
4. 1 cup or tea or coffee
5. 1 fresh fruit.

Lunch:- Dose of ACV
1. 1 cup of seasoned brown rice/ 1 medium yellow yam
2. 1 broiled/baked chicken thigh or leg
3. 1 cup of mixed green vegs/ tossed garden salad
4. 1 glass of cool/warm water

1. 1 serving of cooked broiled/baked wild salmon or fish
2. 1 serving of broccoli/cauliflower
3. 1 banana
4. 1 nice glass of Water

Hebrews 4:16
Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

*** Here's to your health!****

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day Six

Hallelujah, you've made it to Day Six. Take a deep breath and exhale.
**Start each day with Prayer, Thanksgiving and ACV
15-25 mins of exercise before the day is over.

Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

1. 1 Poached/boiled egg sprinkled with cayenne pepper and sea salt
2. 1 apple/pear
3. 1 cup of steamed vegs
4. 1 handful of almond nuts
5. 1 cup of green/herbal tea sweetened with 1 tsp of honey or stevia to taste

1. Broiled Tuna/Fish sandwich on 1 slice of whole wheat bread with onions
2. Tossed salad with homemade salad dressing
3. 1 banana
4. 1 lovely glass of water/ of half fruit juice and water

1.1 cup of sweet yams steamed and seasoned to taste
2.1 cup of tomato/veg soup
3.2 hard boiled eggs
4. One handful of mixed nuts

1. 1 handful of nuts with 1 glass of water
2. 1 dose of ACV with honey/stevia
 By now it should be bedtime. Don't forget to pray.
***Buy some  fresh greens/ cucumber/celery/apple/cranberries for tomorrow**

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day Five of the Refreshing

Good evening,

By now you should feel more energetic, and your digestive system should be functioning better. Let's continue the process.
Start every day with :-Prayer and 
1. A cup of warm water & 15ml of ACV (Mix 1/2tsp of Honey)
Add 1/4 tsp of Cayenne Pepper

1.Hot cup of tea/coffee sweetened with Honey/ Stevia or 1tsp of brown sugar
2. 1 cup of oat bran cereal
3. 1 boiled/poached egg
4. 1 fresh fruit
5. 1/2 cup of stemmed green vegs and 1/2 onion

1.A cup of chicken veg soup with 4 crackers
2.One banana
3.A handful of raw nuts
4.A cup of herbal tea

1. ACV
2. Repeat Lunch but have a green salad. (ACV and honey for salad dressing)
3. Have 2 fresh fruits.

1. 1 cup of popcorn
2. 1 Glass of lemon and honey water

Isaiah 58:6 "Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?
Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the Lord shall be thy reward.
Then shalt thou call, and the Lord shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am."

Prayer:- Father in Heaven, thank you for my life, health and strength. Please grant me the grace to eat in moderation and to eat those things that will nourish my body and keep your temple healthy. Let this refreshing, restoration and  and weight loss be permanent to my body, soul and spirit. I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Walk, dance, jump rope, swim or any exercise for 15 minutes.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day Four

You are blessed......."Avoid Fried Foods."

"It's Day Four and if you have fasted then you are in the Restoration Phase. Only use those foods that will nourish the body. 
or the next 3 days this is your meal plan but first:- Isaiah 43:19

"Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert."

Start every day with a cup of warm water plus 15ml of ACV straight up if you can/ mix 1/2tsp of Honey

1.Hot cup of tea/coffee sweetened with Honey/ Stevia or 1tsp of brown sugar
2. 1 cup of oat meal
3. 1 boiled/poached egg
4. 1 fresh fruit
5. 1/2 cup of stemmed green vegs.

1.A cup of chicken veg soup with 4 crackers
2.A fruit salad
3.A handful of raw nuts
4.A cup of herbal tea

1. ACV
2. Repeat Lunch but have a green salad.
3. Have 2 fresh fruits.

Raw or roasted nuts/ dried fruits/popcorn/ tossed salad
Drink 6-8 cups of fluid/water per day. 
Avoid soda or highly sweetened fruit juices.
Dilute juices with 1/2 juice and 1/2 water.

**From tomorrow you can start in cooperating exercise into your day.**
**Try to use fresh products when ever possible.**

The Refreshing

I am a person just like you. Though we don't know each other because we are human, we are faced with many of the same challenges. Yet, I am convinced that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me," that is why he is at the center of all that I do. You can do the same.

As I go through my refreshing, I call on him throughout my day. My mind is stayed on God, because in the word it say,s that he will keep him/her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him. My mind is at peace and I can tell you that he continues to strengthen me through this process and I see and feel success. I know that you will be successful too if you look to him for strength to change.

So join me and be refreshed, restored and recharged in 2013.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jesus did it and so can you.

Jesus fasted and so can you. 3 days is chickenfeed.

Matthew 4:2
And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.

Don't give up!

Day Three of the Refreshing

                                                         "Your Final day of fasting."

                                                                                                Stay Focused

Reading for today:-Psalm 121

Words of Encouragement:- "I have learned that the body can be mended within 3 days through fasting, and the spirit can be recharged. I encourage you to become acquainted with fasting to enhance your physical, mental and spiritual health."

Day Three of the Refreshing "Your Final day of fasting."

                           1.Start the day with a nice stretch.
                           2.Today is your final day of fasting but  keep praying.
                           3. Spend about 5 mins giving thanks and praise to the Creator.
                           4. Take 15-30 ml of ACV with warm water  4 x today
                           5. Before bedtime have a hot cup of green tea with stevia/honey for taste
                           6. ** Give thanks for the power within that will take you through this restoring.**

As you rest be aware of what Psalms 121 says,

"121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

Drink as much warm water as you wish. 

Prayer for Strength to control what goes in and out of your mouth because the challenge starts tomorrow when you start.

As always... Seek medical advice in your journey.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Don't Be Afraid

Don't be afraid to attempt the difficult. Remember that with God all things are possible. Don't give up on the refreshing. Walk through it and you will be "refreshed, restored and recharged."

Day Two of the Resfreshing

Your body is the instrument the Creator gave you to accomplish your job here on earth. In order for it to function well you must take care of it.  Here is:-

Day Two: Another day of Pray and Fast. Read Philippians 4
                        1. Drink a cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of ACV first thing
                        2. Drink a cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. Sweeten with stevia for taste.
                        3.Drink this throughout the day as needed.
                        4. At bedtime repeat #1
                        5. Read and meditate on Philippians 4:13

Fasting is good for the body because it:
  1. rest the digestive system
  2. allow for cleansing and detoxification of the body
  3. create a break in eating patterns, to start a new one 
  4. promote greater mental clarity
  5. cleanse and heal "stuck" emotional patterns
  6. lead to a feeling of physical lightness, increasing energy level
  7. promote an inner stillness, enhancing spiritual connection


*** Note that if you cannot control what goes into your mouth, you will not be able to control what comes out of your mouth.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day One:- 40 days to the Refreshing

I have learned that it is impossible to change my outside without the help of my inside.  So I start with my spirit first and being a 'chrisitian' invite Jesus into the process of my refreshing.

Day One 1.Pray and Fast

You will need divine help to accomplish this task.

1.Drink 1 cup of warm water with 2 tablespoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
a. Apple Cider vinegar had 40 different vits and nutrient.
b. It allows the body to start healing itself.

2. Read and meditate Psalms 23 and Romans Chapter 12 empowers me.

3. Pray every time the temptation to eat occurs.

Do drink warm water through the day if you must.
I suggest that you start your fast on  the weekend if you work and are not use to fasting.
Do not focus on losing weight. Focus on the refreshing!
Focus on building the spirit within and cleaning your temple.

                                                                  My Fav ACV

**Please contact your physician before starting any plan to modify or change dietary habits!!!!

Self love

There is a love that is essential if you are going to take care of your body, soul and spirit and that is Self-Love. The love of self causes you to take a breather long enough to take an introspective look and to evaluate you. Every year sometime in January I do that because as a mother it is easy to just take care of others and forget all about myself. At the beginning of every year I set aside time to do some temple cleaning.   Temple cleaning involves
1. Strengthening the spirit within
2. Soul restoration
3. Building up my immune system

If I do it right, I usually will shed  unwanted pounds that I've  accumulated during the winter months when I hibernate. (Yes I hibernate. I am a tropical baby)   However, this year my first in full blown menopause, I am  hoping that I will be able to keep get back into my clothes and shed a few inches around my waist. So here I go ...9 days in and I am

a. 7 lbs lighter
b. soul restored
c. Immune System being built

*********Doing it God's way as a gift of love to myself.***

Check back later for Day 1 regimen

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

                            Ms. Sanctified
He told me that he loved me, before he even knew my name.
I thought that he was crazy, he had to be insane.
How could he really love me, when this was our very first encounter?
How could he ever love me, when he had not met my mother?

Didn't he know that I would be she with everyday that I aged?
Didn't he know that my mother was a woman full of grace?
A woman who demanded, that she be treated as an equal
A woman who was strong, but who always avoided trouble.

"You love me?" I asked him. "But we just met," I exclaimed.
And while I responded, I felt the warm blood rush through my veins.
Thankful that my chocolate-colored skin was an adequate disguise.
And that I was immune to his obvious lie.

"You don't love me," I replied,. "There is no way that you could."
What you really want is for me to drop my defense, like another woman would.
And let you have your way with me, use me and then walk away.
Tarnish my heart, assault my soul, with the game you want to play."

"But pardon me, I am Ms. Sanctified. You see, I have been crucified-
With Christ. This body is his temple, and it will not be defiled
By you or any other, smooth talking Mr. Lie.
So be gone, move along. Try that line on someone else.
And get behind me Satan, today I pass the test."
                                                                                                                     GBE 1/15/2013 (c)

Love, Sex and Marriage

So eventually, I fell in love, then we got married and we have sex. I think I got it right. Like I said in one of my earlier blogs, I used to confuse love and sex but I got wisdom and figured out that they are two distinctly different things. Love is independent of sex but sex feels 'super' when you're married and in love. Sex is good. "I am still trying to understand it's powers."  (Back to what is on my mind.)

When we fall in love and get married, sex is a given. In the world, a woman decides when she is going to have sex with her husband. I have got a word for you.  The Apostle Paul says in the Holy Bible, that a wife's body belongs to her husband and a husband's body belongs to his wife. That being the case, women need to stop holding out on their husbands and learn to give it up more frequently. Give it up because sex is good for you. Give it up because your body belongs to him. Give it up because if you don't, his eyes WILL begin to wonder, and his testosterone will continue to rage. Just GIVE IT UP, wife!!!

"Tell you more tomorrow.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thoughts on love...........

Every day when I awaken, I find myself more in love with God, my family, friends and life. This brings a sense of peace to my heart. There is NOTHING  like love... nothing at all. Everyone in their right mind wants to be loved because it is an aphrodisiac.   Love stimulates your five senses and quickens your sixth sense.  It is refreshing, exhilarating, life-giving and motivating. I said it before and I am going to say it again, "There is nothing like love."  Ouhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! No, I am not talking about that kind of love. It is so much deeper than that, so get it right.

 Now, there are many who wonder through this life with a mistaken concept of love...."I am talking about the love that heals and soothes. The love that gives and forgives. The love that flows from the heart of God to your heart." This is the love that we all should pursue because it the core of love. This love is the only love that transcends time and takes you into the eternity.It connects you to to your body, soul and spirit. Seek it and you will find it, for it is within your reach.
