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Monday, July 4, 2011

My Testimony

       I like to say that I am a lover of life but I love life because I am fully devoted to living it life for the Lord. It was not always like that. Like many, I grew up in church but felt like I was missing out on what the world had to offer. The folks that were in the world appeared to be having such a good time, and I wanted to experience what they were and I did for a time. However, I was most miserable. You see, Jesus was already imprinted in my DNA, so it was impossible for me to love the things of the world or to enjoy them. It didn't take me too long to rededicate my life the the Lord.
      Excited that I had come to my senses, I share the news of my rededication with the numerous friends. It was as if I had developed leprosy. In less than 3 months, most of those folks disappeared but that was good because we served a different god. The bible asks,"How can two walk together unless they agree?" That is a true statement.
        Now I am 100% sold out to Jesus. I believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God. I believe that God is my source, my Heavenly Father, my all. I shall not want because he is my shepherd. No one cannot convince me that the Almighty God does not exist. I know that he does. I also know that he gives his best and he commands my best, and I live daily to honor, praise and glorify his name. Like Paul I say, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ." I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and over the years he has proven himself to be real in my life.


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