Yesterday, I learned a famous singer died of an overdose, and today I learned a 15 year old kid committed suicide. My heart weeps because two more souls were lost. It's sad to see anyone depend on drugs to find joy when, 'in the presence of the Lord there is the fullness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore.' There is no permanent joy in drugs.
Yes, drugs produce a temporary sense of euphoria. For a few hours, you can feel like everything is great when in reality it isn't. You see, drugs will fool you, and you will fall in love with them but they will never fall in love with you. So, if your life is a mess, forget drugs and turn to Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can fix the madness in your life and bring peace where there is chaos.
Don't die a tragic death. Don't allow drugs to kill you. Life is precious. Life was given to you to carry out God's purpose on the earth. We are given life to change our world for the better and bring glory to God.
So if you find yourself uneasy, stress, unsure, insure or just lost, remember that there is help for you. You don't have to do dope to cope, or commit suicide to bring an end to the temporary troubles in your life. There is hope and help for you.. through Jesus the Christ. There are hundreds/thousands of ambassadors for Christ who love you, and are waiting to extend the love of Christ to you but you must reach out.
I am here to testify that there is help so you can hope. Put your hope in Jesus the Christ, the Savior or all saviors. He will not disappoint you because he loves you. He loved you before you became mortal. THERE IS HELP!
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