I don't know about you but I know that I love love. I love to be loved, I love knowing that I am love and I love giving love. The therapeutic effects of love is health to the mind, body, soul and spirit. There is no other emotion that can cause such a positive effect on your being. Maybe that is why, they are so many love seekers.
Daily many sell their bodies, contaminate their souls and weaken their spirits in an attempt to experience love.These trifling attempts to possess or secure love will never work, because love cannot be bought of sold. If it could have been, it would have been done years ago. Simply put, love is priceless because it is a gift from God. You don't have to try to acquire it , you must just receive it.
Love is available freely from and God is the only one who can really dish out the kind of love that you need. I call God's love, 'the healing love.' It is the love that is unconditional and knows no boundaries. There is nothing that you can or cannot do that can alter this love. This is the good love! This is sweet love! And when you are connect to God by conversion, you will love better because God's is love and you are God's.
Striving to promote love for God, self and others, through a healthy, holy lifestyle. (All poems are original with copyrights)
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
A life of love
The season of love
During the Christmas Season, love seems so tangible; so present. Strangers smile with you, people buy you gifts, there is happy music on the airwaves, and there is a lot of sweetness in the atmosphere. Love is in the minds of many and the feeling of joy is everywhere. It is the season and many hearts are glad!
I love this season of the year and wish that it's effects would spill over into the following days. What other time of the year do you ever think of doing or giving to another just because? When do you ever call another and ask what does this person want other than this season? We all want to get the perfect gift for that someone special, just like the wise men got it right when they brought their gifts to the boy Jesus.
Now, it would be awesome if our thoughtfulness, gift-giving, smiling and caring about one another could go beyond this season, and I want you to know that it can and should. It can because the reason for Christmas is. Jesus the Christ; the physical manifestation of God's love is still very much alive and present and because of that truth, love is. Love is because God is and because God is, you can experience a life of daily love if you keep God in your life. It really is that simple. So become a friend of God and you'll never ever experience a season of love, you then will have a life of love.
During the Christmas Season, love seems so tangible; so present. Strangers smile with you, people buy you gifts, there is happy music on the airwaves, and there is a lot of sweetness in the atmosphere. Love is in the minds of many and the feeling of joy is everywhere. It is the season and many hearts are glad!
I love this season of the year and wish that it's effects would spill over into the following days. What other time of the year do you ever think of doing or giving to another just because? When do you ever call another and ask what does this person want other than this season? We all want to get the perfect gift for that someone special, just like the wise men got it right when they brought their gifts to the boy Jesus.
Now, it would be awesome if our thoughtfulness, gift-giving, smiling and caring about one another could go beyond this season, and I want you to know that it can and should. It can because the reason for Christmas is. Jesus the Christ; the physical manifestation of God's love is still very much alive and present and because of that truth, love is. Love is because God is and because God is, you can experience a life of daily love if you keep God in your life. It really is that simple. So become a friend of God and you'll never ever experience a season of love, you then will have a life of love.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Operation..... Love!
Over the years, I have found that anything done without love never feels good. It is either easily forgotten, regretted, or the giver is always looking for praise or some kind of accolade. That's what I have noticed. On the other hand, things done with, in and because of love places the giver and the receiver in the celestial realm. So, now knowing what I know, I totally refused to operate outside the perimeter of love. I must be a giver and a channel of love. To do this, I stay close to God because 'God is love'.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Just love
Jesus Christ said, "By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love, one for another."
Too often, we who are commanded to 'just love' complain because the world isn't loving us back. We need not worry about who's not loving us. Instead, we aught to 'just love.' Just love because that's what Jesus did and does. To love regardless, is a Christ-like characteristic. It means that you have arrived and can be trusted with God's created. Just love!
Too often, we who are commanded to 'just love' complain because the world isn't loving us back. We need not worry about who's not loving us. Instead, we aught to 'just love.' Just love because that's what Jesus did and does. To love regardless, is a Christ-like characteristic. It means that you have arrived and can be trusted with God's created. Just love!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Learning to Love Right.
It is so easy to love., but there is nothing like loving right. Loving right brings much joy and peace to your life, and the longer I live the more essential love and peace is. Love done right is like being in the midst of goodness all the time. Love done right is calming, reassuring, stimulating and affirming. As it is written, in 1 John 4:18 "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love." Love done right, feels right, fits right and is right.
Now I love many but none like Jesus. I call myself a Jesusnatic because I think about Jesus; the Lord, my Lord within every hour of my day. I talk to him regularly. and all of my actions make me think of him. This love that I have feels right. There is no fear, distress, uncertainty, regret, remorse or pain in this love. Like I say, it feels right. It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel whole!
Now I love many but none like Jesus. I call myself a Jesusnatic because I think about Jesus; the Lord, my Lord within every hour of my day. I talk to him regularly. and all of my actions make me think of him. This love that I have feels right. There is no fear, distress, uncertainty, regret, remorse or pain in this love. Like I say, it feels right. It makes me feel safe. It makes me feel whole!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Where is the love?
I'm often amazed when love is proclaimed but not seen. I can only summarize, that love isn't. I say that because when love is present, it is always tangible. Love can't be hidden. Love it seen, felt, heard and tasted. Sometimes love even leaves an aroma. When you are in the presence of love, you know!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
There is help
Yesterday, I learned a famous singer died of an overdose, and today I learned a 15 year old kid committed suicide. My heart weeps because two more souls were lost. It's sad to see anyone depend on drugs to find joy when, 'in the presence of the Lord there is the fullness of joy, and at his right hand there are pleasures for evermore.' There is no permanent joy in drugs.
Yes, drugs produce a temporary sense of euphoria. For a few hours, you can feel like everything is great when in reality it isn't. You see, drugs will fool you, and you will fall in love with them but they will never fall in love with you. So, if your life is a mess, forget drugs and turn to Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can fix the madness in your life and bring peace where there is chaos.
Don't die a tragic death. Don't allow drugs to kill you. Life is precious. Life was given to you to carry out God's purpose on the earth. We are given life to change our world for the better and bring glory to God.
So if you find yourself uneasy, stress, unsure, insure or just lost, remember that there is help for you. You don't have to do dope to cope, or commit suicide to bring an end to the temporary troubles in your life. There is hope and help for you.. through Jesus the Christ. There are hundreds/thousands of ambassadors for Christ who love you, and are waiting to extend the love of Christ to you but you must reach out.
I am here to testify that there is help so you can hope. Put your hope in Jesus the Christ, the Savior or all saviors. He will not disappoint you because he loves you. He loved you before you became mortal. THERE IS HELP!
Yes, drugs produce a temporary sense of euphoria. For a few hours, you can feel like everything is great when in reality it isn't. You see, drugs will fool you, and you will fall in love with them but they will never fall in love with you. So, if your life is a mess, forget drugs and turn to Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can fix the madness in your life and bring peace where there is chaos.
Don't die a tragic death. Don't allow drugs to kill you. Life is precious. Life was given to you to carry out God's purpose on the earth. We are given life to change our world for the better and bring glory to God.
So if you find yourself uneasy, stress, unsure, insure or just lost, remember that there is help for you. You don't have to do dope to cope, or commit suicide to bring an end to the temporary troubles in your life. There is hope and help for you.. through Jesus the Christ. There are hundreds/thousands of ambassadors for Christ who love you, and are waiting to extend the love of Christ to you but you must reach out.
I am here to testify that there is help so you can hope. Put your hope in Jesus the Christ, the Savior or all saviors. He will not disappoint you because he loves you. He loved you before you became mortal. THERE IS HELP!
Friday, July 15, 2011
The mystery of love
I remember the first time I said I love you. It wasn't to my parents or my best friend at the time, but it was to God. I remember saying, "I love you Lord, and making promises to serve him until the day I die. Back then I was just saying what I was told to say what my tongue confessed came to pass.
It is written that 'death and life is in the power of the tongue.' What we speak will come to pass and I have seen much of what I have spoken come to pass, including my love for the Lord. I love the Lord and I really want to be faithful in my love towards him, so I pray, I study the word and I praise.
I finally understand that love though mysterious is tangible and sweet. Love is unlike any fruit I have ever tasted, any wine I have ever drank, any thing I have ever encountered before. Love fills me up and refreshes me. It makes me feel valued and alive. Oh the power, and the mystery of love! So I love but at the same time, I am being loved!
It is written that 'death and life is in the power of the tongue.' What we speak will come to pass and I have seen much of what I have spoken come to pass, including my love for the Lord. I love the Lord and I really want to be faithful in my love towards him, so I pray, I study the word and I praise.
I finally understand that love though mysterious is tangible and sweet. Love is unlike any fruit I have ever tasted, any wine I have ever drank, any thing I have ever encountered before. Love fills me up and refreshes me. It makes me feel valued and alive. Oh the power, and the mystery of love! So I love but at the same time, I am being loved!
Love produces worship
What I have learned is that it is impossible to love without worship. Love produces worship. As long as you love you will worship, therefore it is essential that we love right. So I'm in love and yes, I love all but I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I am really in love with the creator. I love everything about God. I love that he is almighty, all-powerful, all-knowing, merciful, immutable, great, good and loving. He loves me regardless of how I look, my age and all the other stuff. However, his love for me does not override his call for righteousness. So in loving him I am propelled to live holy because he is holy.
It is funny how love will cause you to do things you never thought you'd do. I love, so therefore I worship. Without love, there is no worship.
It is funny how love will cause you to do things you never thought you'd do. I love, so therefore I worship. Without love, there is no worship.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Some say I'm crazy because I love Jesus
They think I'm a fanatic because I live his word
Call me crazy, call me fanatic
All I can say is that Jesus is fantastic.
Excellent, immutable and precious
Jesus is my hero, my savior and my deliverer,
My Lord, my refuge and my strong tower
He's the one that sticks closer to me than a brother
He is the one that loves me like none other.
I love Jesus and I want you to know
I love him with all my mind, body and soul.
I will serve him until the day I die
I love Jesus, yes, that's right
Jesus is my life.
Some say I'm crazy because I love Jesus
They think I'm a fanatic because I live his word
Call me crazy, call me fanatic
All I can say is that Jesus is fantastic.
Excellent, immutable and precious
Jesus is my hero, my savior and my deliverer,
My Lord, my refuge and my strong tower
He's the one that sticks closer to me than a brother
He is the one that loves me like none other.
I love Jesus and I want you to know
I love him with all my mind, body and soul.
I will serve him until the day I die
I love Jesus, yes, that's right
Jesus is my life.
Monday, July 4, 2011
My Testimony
I like to say that I am a lover of life but I love life because I am fully devoted to living it life for the Lord. It was not always like that. Like many, I grew up in church but felt like I was missing out on what the world had to offer. The folks that were in the world appeared to be having such a good time, and I wanted to experience what they were and I did for a time. However, I was most miserable. You see, Jesus was already imprinted in my DNA, so it was impossible for me to love the things of the world or to enjoy them. It didn't take me too long to rededicate my life the the Lord.
Excited that I had come to my senses, I share the news of my rededication with the numerous friends. It was as if I had developed leprosy. In less than 3 months, most of those folks disappeared but that was good because we served a different god. The bible asks,"How can two walk together unless they agree?" That is a true statement.
Now I am 100% sold out to Jesus. I believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God. I believe that God is my source, my Heavenly Father, my all. I shall not want because he is my shepherd. No one cannot convince me that the Almighty God does not exist. I know that he does. I also know that he gives his best and he commands my best, and I live daily to honor, praise and glorify his name. Like Paul I say, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ." I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and over the years he has proven himself to be real in my life.
Excited that I had come to my senses, I share the news of my rededication with the numerous friends. It was as if I had developed leprosy. In less than 3 months, most of those folks disappeared but that was good because we served a different god. The bible asks,"How can two walk together unless they agree?" That is a true statement.
Now I am 100% sold out to Jesus. I believe that the Holy Bible is the word of God. I believe that God is my source, my Heavenly Father, my all. I shall not want because he is my shepherd. No one cannot convince me that the Almighty God does not exist. I know that he does. I also know that he gives his best and he commands my best, and I live daily to honor, praise and glorify his name. Like Paul I say, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ." I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and over the years he has proven himself to be real in my life.
I am love
#4 I am love
I am sweet and beautiful,
Gentle and tangible,
Honest and trusting,
Friendly and giving,
I am strong and free,
I am your destiny,
I am unmistakeable,
I am love.
I am sweet and beautiful,
Gentle and tangible,
Honest and trusting,
Friendly and giving,
I am strong and free,
I am your destiny,
I am unmistakeable,
I am love.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
#3 Love Found
Once I was searching, I was looking for love
Wasn't sure what it looked like but I searched anyhow
I looked all around hoping to find
Love somewhere because it wasn't mine.
Or so I thought, you see I didn't know love
I thought it was passion, sex and romance
I thought that love was gotten only by chance
So I searched and searched and do you know what I found?
I found out that love was in me all the time.
Love is imprinted in my DNA
Love birthed me and keeps me alive everyday
Love nurtures me and keeps me from harm
It cuddles me and keeps me warm.
I went looking for love but I found me
And in me I found love, yea-paddy!
Mystery solved, love has been found
Now I've got love to pass around.
Wasn't sure what it looked like but I searched anyhow
I looked all around hoping to find
Love somewhere because it wasn't mine.
Or so I thought, you see I didn't know love
I thought it was passion, sex and romance
I thought that love was gotten only by chance
So I searched and searched and do you know what I found?
I found out that love was in me all the time.
Love is imprinted in my DNA
Love birthed me and keeps me alive everyday
Love nurtures me and keeps me from harm
It cuddles me and keeps me warm.
I went looking for love but I found me
And in me I found love, yea-paddy!
Mystery solved, love has been found
Now I've got love to pass around.
Friday, July 1, 2011
You say you love me
#2 You say you love me
You say you love me but that can't be true
Cause love don't do the things you do
Love won't use me and bring me shame
Love won't scandalize my name
Love won't cheat and tell me lies
Love won't judge me and make me cry
Love won't cause me sorrow and pain
You don't love me, you're insane.
You say you love me more than anything
You say I'm the one in your dreams
You say I'm all you think about
But that's not love, is it now?
Love is gentle, humble and kind
Love brings peace to a trouble mind
Love cherishes and suffers long
Love's eternal and it is strong.
You say you love me but that's not true
Not when you do the things you do!
You say you love me but that can't be true
Cause love don't do the things you do
Love won't use me and bring me shame
Love won't scandalize my name
Love won't cheat and tell me lies
Love won't judge me and make me cry
Love won't cause me sorrow and pain
You don't love me, you're insane.
You say you love me more than anything
You say I'm the one in your dreams
You say I'm all you think about
But that's not love, is it now?
Love is gentle, humble and kind
Love brings peace to a trouble mind
Love cherishes and suffers long
Love's eternal and it is strong.
You say you love me but that's not true
Not when you do the things you do!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
It's love
#1 It's love
It's love that awakens me from my sleep
It's love that causes my heart to beat.
It's love that keeps me going on
And love that keeps me feeling strong.
Would hate to live this life without love
Would rather die or fly away like a dove.
Would rather fall into a deep sleep
Than live without love roaming in the streets.
I see love, I see it everywhere
I feel it floating in the atmosphere.
I hear it echoing as the wind blows
And sense it's smell beneath my nose.
It's fresh, it's pure, it's sweet, it's whole
It's rich, it's bright and it's beautiful.
It's one degree away from hate
And the secret to being great.
Written by GLB. (C)
It's love that awakens me from my sleep
It's love that causes my heart to beat.
It's love that keeps me going on
And love that keeps me feeling strong.
Would hate to live this life without love
Would rather die or fly away like a dove.
Would rather fall into a deep sleep
Than live without love roaming in the streets.
I see love, I see it everywhere
I feel it floating in the atmosphere.
I hear it echoing as the wind blows
And sense it's smell beneath my nose.
It's fresh, it's pure, it's sweet, it's whole
It's rich, it's bright and it's beautiful.
It's one degree away from hate
And the secret to being great.
Written by GLB. (C)
Amazing love
I am struck by the amazing love that God has for us. Genesis says that, "We were created in his image and likeness. That's a WOW moment. God actually handled me. He's a hands on God when it comes to us.
Then when I think that he sent Jesus to redeem us from sin, that's another WOW moment. Jesus, the only begotten of the Father, died for my redemption. Jesus, the King of glory is my savior.
I am special! I am loved! I was created by God! God loves me! Oh his amazing, unconditional, and infinite love.
I just want to ponder this love for a while. Hopefully, you will do the same.
Lord Jesus, I love you too.
Then when I think that he sent Jesus to redeem us from sin, that's another WOW moment. Jesus, the only begotten of the Father, died for my redemption. Jesus, the King of glory is my savior.
I am special! I am loved! I was created by God! God loves me! Oh his amazing, unconditional, and infinite love.
I just want to ponder this love for a while. Hopefully, you will do the same.
Lord Jesus, I love you too.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A day to love.
Everyday is a day to love, for we love or we hate. Stepping into everyday choosing to love and not hate is Christlike and a key to healthy living.
Loving is so much easier than I used to think. I used to think that to love someone meant that I had to love everything about them, but that's not true. All I need to do is to love their humanity. Love that they are, just like I am. Really that is all that is required, so I love and this makes my heart, mind and body feel good.
Loving is so much easier than I used to think. I used to think that to love someone meant that I had to love everything about them, but that's not true. All I need to do is to love their humanity. Love that they are, just like I am. Really that is all that is required, so I love and this makes my heart, mind and body feel good.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The eternity of love
Raw or true love is eternal. You can't kill eternity. Raw love is unconditional. It is like a drug but it needs no FDA approval or prescription. Love in it's purest form is calming and reassuring. It lifts you up and it values your existence. Love is not infatuation or passion. Love is of God and so are you. With that being said, you should not settle for anything less than love. You can't afford to if you want to experience the awesomeness of love.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Love as you live
I am here and I know that it's not accidental. The one thing that makes me feel good is love; being loved and giving love. It is easy for me to love and to receive love because I am worthy of it. I love that you can't buy love!
What love isn't!!
Many will tell you what love is, but few will say what it isn't but I will!
Love isn't cheap, it is accidental and isn't weak.
Love isn't cheap, it is accidental and isn't weak.
Friday, June 17, 2011
A wife indeed!
When you live in an age where it is easier to walk out of a marriage than to commit to love, relationships end prematurely. With that being said, I want to encourage wives to commit to love. Commit to that which does not change and love your husband, honoring him always! If you do this, God will honor you even if your husband doesn't.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Emotional drawfism.
Over the years I have come to know that there is nothing like love. Many claim to love but their love is narcissistic. We are all commanded to love God, ourselves and others. When we fail to do such, we are emotional dwarfs....
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Beyond being!
It is easy to be just because you are, but being isn't enough if you're not being who you were created to be. That's why it is essential to live life consciously.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Give it to God!
So often... many of us forget that Jesus is still the answer to every problem. We try to handle it all by ourselves when he's right there waiting to help us. Stress is not inevitable but chronic stress is!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Taking Chronic stress out of your life!
Everyday I see so many folks stressed out. The economy is bad, kids are going nuts, the cost of living is going up, the stock market is like the weather, marriages are dissolving, people are eating more calories than they bodies need and the list goes on. As I observe many, I look at myself and can't help but wonder why are they so stressed. So I thought it would be nice to see, hear and share techniques to help relieve chronic stress from living... so let's talk!!
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